
Has advanced degree and training in counseling, mental health, psychology, public health, social work, chaplaincy and related professions
Has a minimum of 15 years of direct service experience providing trauma related services
Has demonstrated an extensive knowledge of traumatology research
Has acquired and achieved proficiency in the neurosciences
Has master level knowledge in Adverse Childhood Experiences, Adverse Community Environments, and Adverse Climate Events
Has demonstrated proficiency in the 5 crafts across the trauma spectrum (critical incidents; emergencies; crises; disasters; catastrophes)
Has established mastery in training and education, administration, supervision, and research in at least 3 evidence based trauma modalities and interventions
Has demonstrated capabilities as an educator, mentor, supervisor, and researcher in trauma
Has received acknowledgment by recognized and respected national and international trauma organizations through certification, board appointment, conference speaking, consultancy, service as an editor or peer reviewer, and publishing